Monthly Archives: April 2020

Finding the Fun in Math at Home

Last week I was honored to do a guest blog post for the puzzle site! Thank you, Jim, for the invitation.

I wanted to cross-post it here, so here’s the first bit, and a link if you’d like to read more:

In the midst of a global crisis, I’ve been noticing some silver linings and surprising upsides.  This is not to downplay the seriousness of it all or dismiss any of the real loss and suffering in our world, but I feel it is important to take hold of the good things that can be found amidst all the uncertainty and struggle. 

Being stuck at home can be seen as a chance to spend more time with family.  Being unable to do some kinds of work can free up time for projects that otherwise get neglected.  And a break from math class can be an opportunity to play with math together.

I know, I know. The words “play” and “math” in the same sentence?  Hear me out.  In my world of teaching math to homeschoolers I find that the more playful I can make math, the better.  So today I want to share with you a couple ways I’ve been playing with math with my students this week. (read more)