Category Archives: Habits

Writing habit update

Still going strong on the writing habit.  I’m on day 7, and I’ve only missed two days so far due to being on the road all day.  I’m pretty proud of sticking to the habit on Saturday and Sunday despite being at a camping event.  I could have easily rationalized my way out of those days, but I didn’t.

The thing about the habit at this stage is that it feels really hard.  When I form the intention to pull out my laptop and write I get filled with deep reluctance, almost dread.  It’s amusing from where I am now to think about how hard it feels.  Once I get typing it doesn’t feel so bad.  But damn, new habits are hard in this first week.  I hope it will feel better in week two.  It probably didn’t help that I had those two days on the road.  Now that we’re back I should be able to have more consistency which hopefully will make it start to feel a little easier.